Saturday, March 8, 2008

gay Girl

I work with a Gay girl at work and she is cute and our age....I've known she was gay for awhile, but did not mention it to her because I was told this in secret.....Tonight she said somethin about a guy loving her and then goes "But it does not matter because I am a big homo!" So I told her its cool I am gay with Drew Thomas and she said that it was different because she really is awkward...Now I could take 2 roads....Exit 1a where I would not speak about her gayness and Exit 1B where I embraced it...As my coworkers have decided to take exit 1A, I am in lane for exit 1B and fully committed to get off here...As they ignore the issue and do not speak of it as they slowly and respectfully take the first exit, I have decided to forgo that and go on for the much more comfortable (for people like myself) exit....So now here I am on exit 1B and when chicks come in, I ask the lesbo if she thinks they are hot and then we discuss what we would do to that girl sexually(very similiar and its so weird).....Exit 1B has worked out well, and it looks like it leads to better pastures....This is one route I am glad that I have chosen

1 comment:

tribe2ws08 said...

U discuss what u would do to them sexually??? Have u not learned anything from the airport? You sexual harasser! If Blockbuster fires u, u will be devestated. I've always envisioned u as a career BB employee. It'll be like when the Dairy Queen informed me they don't need my services that one terrible summer:(