Sunday, March 2, 2008

Great Griffey Article

The Cincinnati Reds right fielder enters this season with 593 home runs and 453 reasons to use steroids and human grown hormone. That's how many games Griffey has missed, mostly due to aches and pains, since joining the Reds in 2000. Since recovering from injury is the flimsy alibi for taking steroids and HGH, no one would have benefited more than Griffey, right?

I love this man

1 comment:

tribe2ws08 said...

Actually, they also site minor tweaks and pulls as results of using the juice or HGH...check out Juan Gonzalez for further information. So, in reality, this point is moot and Griffey's career is that of an above average player with oodles of potential and just a victim of the juice. Notice Griffey's been healthier the last 3 seasons. Besides his Wii injury with his kids, he's been free of severe tweaks or pulls. Suspicious that this started around 2005...Hmmmm...

I still promise to be the first to call you when he is no longer a red! It'll be the happiest day of my life!!!