Tuesday, March 4, 2008

long time no see

Sorry I haven't posted anything much lately, I have jsut been working a lot. And I usually work after school so it does not really offer me much time to add anything and I guess I am starting to slow down on material...Reds related, they signed Jerry Hairston Jr and Corey Patterson, neither of which I agree with. I know they are minor league deals and that they most likely won't make the team, although Patterson may end up beingthe centerfielder, but its just that enough is enough....Seriously do we not want Jay Bruce to start in CF...If we are playing for the future, and sadly enough it looks like 09 is when we should be good....then let Bruce learn up at the Majors...I mean he was voted the best minor leaguer last year of thousands up thousands of prospects, so its not like he will be a totall loss out there. And by the time 09 comes around, he will be set in and ready to go, not to mention he will still have a good 08 season...let's see what else is new...Kelly is charging $130 an hour for her lawyer services which is all good and dandy, but come on, she made more than that at her last per hour job. I mean a reach around got her $50 on the streets yunno? I am off work for a couple of days so I will check in more regularly tomorrow and Thursday, I promise...So pumped for the baseball season....it is my favorite sport by far, yet I understand when people think it is to slow and boring, and I jsut humbley think that they just don't understand the sport on the same level as I do...I mean I think that its the fairest sport in the world...An average starting player has 150 some games and around 400 at bats to provide stats...that means he may be hot for a week and then shitty the next, but in the end the law of averages works out...they always say that the back of a baseball card does not lie and I firmly believe that..What that means is, if the Reds were to say sign a guy who hits around .270 every year, hits 20 homeruns and knocks in 50-60 RBIs, and it says so on his statson the back of his baseball card, well chances are hes going to exactly that for the Reds...Of course the steroid era really threw a wrench into that when total ass clowns started becoming formiddable homerun threats, but that is behind us now. ok time to watch a movie and hit the sack!

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