Friday, March 28, 2008

Long Time, No See

Sorry I have really slowed down on my postings. I feel like with work and school lately I have just been too busy to post, and it's almost as if nothing has happened to me because I have been so busy with mundane things such as a the aformentioned, school and work. Let's see. Well Mikey G took my dog for the week in Cincinnati, something I looked forward to. Not being away from her, but just having a week where I didn't have that responsibility, and also a week where Mikey G could be with her. He is as close to her as anyone outside of myself and I feel bad that he moved to Cincinnati and was forced to be away with her. I never understood the TRUE greatness of that dog and how he missed her that much until this week. EVERYTHING reminds me of her and everytime I am reminded of her, I get the urge to whistle for her so that I can play and/or pet her and yet she is not here to come to me. Little things; like tonight while watching a movie, it thundered and I thought uh oh where's sophie, shes going to growl. And of course, she wasn't there. I grew up without a dog in the house and outside of an outdoor cat that we sort of adopted, I did not have a pet until I was like 9 and we got a cat. So from then on in, I grew up with cats. And don't get me wrong, I loved them, but nothing compares to a dog. I never fully understood why people loved dogs so much, but about 3 years ago, I decided to find out. I realized that there must be a reason that people got dogs and loved them so much and I decided that I wanted one. My girlfriend at the time, Berkie, had a dog that she loved and so I went to her for guidance. I asked her, what kind of dog do I want. What would be the greatest dog for me. My only obligation was that I loved the dog and it loved me. She came back to me with a quick response. "You want a Yellow Lab." I didn't know why she said this at the time, but now I do. Sometime in late June her sister got a full bred yellow lab. I immediatley saw pictures and was jealous. In July, when Kara was about to go to Africa, I told her "Don't be surprised if I get a dog while you're gone." Obviously I was telling her this because I wanted her to get jealous that she could not be there to look for a dog with me. She came back to me and said "Well, do you want Sophie?" Sophie was the yellow lab that her sister had gotten. She informed me that it would be free and that Amy was not able to give the dog the time it deserved and wanted to get rid of it. After a few calls to my dad, he told me that a dog was a huge responsibility and that I had better think about it before I get her. Well, the terms were that Sophie would be returned to the breeder very shortly and I had to make a decision. I am notoriously known for wanting something, not thinking it through and getting it, and I did so this time. I told Kara that night that I wanted the dog. Later in the week my brother brought her up from Cincinnati and I was the proud owner of a dog. I had all the repsonsibilities, but I had done my research. I took that dog out to pee every 30 mins or less for the first week. At night, I caged it, until I could not take it any longer and let it get into my bed. I was blessed. That dog was amazing. I think she went to the bathroom in my house about 8 times total in the first few months I got her and never again. I chose not to take her to puppy classes but to instead reward her when she was good and scold her when she did something I did not approve of. Man it was a responsibility. My dad was not lying. Every time I leave the house now I have to worry about when she has last gone to the bathroom and when I will be back. Now I have the best dog on the planet. I love dogs now. But mainly, I just love very few dogs and like the rest. I love my dog because she loves me and only wants to make me happy. Last night, talking to Mikey G he was telling me that she was making noises at him (the noise, only I can hear in my head) and when I said take her out, he did and she did not have to go to the bathroom. He texted me back, I think she really does miss you. I never thought that I would miss the responsibility of having a dog but I do. I miss them greatly. That dog is my life now, and mainly because I am hers. That was the best choice I have ever made. My best memories are with that dog...I am glad that Mikey G is getting this week with her, but baring any vacations or deployments, this won't happen again. A piece of me is gone and I cannot to reunite with her....

Long Live Johnny Cueto

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Mikey G wasnt wanted day

24 years ago today my mother went into labor wanting so badly a boy. Well at approximately 10:51 am, she got one...Problem was, there was another on the way....Did she ask for two boys? No...She asked for one and she got it....So the way I see it, Mikey G was/is unwanted
like i told sophie....once a year I get to wake up and feel like the king....and thats today because its my birthday...but 365 days a year, I get to wake up next to her, and that aint bad...thats 365 birthday gifts a year, and I can't complain...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I am 24

I am 24 yrs old...Sorry I havent written in a while, I have been MEGA busy,...but seriously today I am 24.....SERIOUSLY old... 50 years ago I would have been looked at as degenerate for not being married with kids....but todays world suits me best....C'mon do I really need kids and a family? FUCK NO....but I do feel old....and noone seems to care as they shouldnt.....Tonight was fun for the midnight turn, tomorrow should be better. I have the night off work and cornhole tournament. Hopefully I start drinking early and win in c-hole with rick driving me. The only one who seems to care is Goster.....Love the kid, honestly is their a nicer kid out there? I contend there is not....Kid will hook u up on ur bday whether he has $$ or not...Love him... I hate, HATE, HATE being 24....that is so old....oh well in june i will have a college degree, so f it....but god damn do I feel like a loser...oh gonna graduate no loans to my name, perfect credit and the world in front of'nt that what it's about? The world is in front of me...I've done my share of partying, now it's time for me to move on, but never let go of the dream. Sorry I havent blogged in awhile, but more to life as it stands as a 24 yr old....Opening day tickets, Johnny Cueto, yellow lab, happy as could be....good life if you ask me...and I'm all that matters

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

this one is for Becky

Everytime I see Becky she asks me why I have not blogged about a certain even that took place about 3 weeks ago, and everytime I tell her that I forgot and that I was drunk when it happened and I am drunk when she reminds to me to blog about it. Well know I am doing it.
About 3 weeks ago, I head on over to the FHM on 13th and Indianola, or as I like to call it, my 2nd home. When I go there a few of them had told me that prior to my arrival they were trying to explain me to some girl that was in town visiting Janelle. And how I was messed up and perverted and weird I guess or something. Anyways, we all go out for the night and get pretty decently drunk, but since my buddy Evan was in town I went back to their house after the bars to drink more with him. When we go back, the girl that was in town visiting was sitting around with us, chowing down on a oversized hot pocket none the less. Anyways through conversation she started to talk about the goverment or something. What came out of her mouth next made me want to shoot her in the face and almost shoot myself in the face too....She said, and I quote, "The government has cured AIDs. Oh yea, they have the cure for AIDs, they just don't want us to know about it." Now I was drunk so I cannot tell the story exactly as how it went...but I do remember most of us didn't really even put up much of a challenge or debate. How do you debate that? Is that not the dumbest thing you have ever heard. You cannot even take that seriously. And if you do, stop reading my blog immediately.....go into your CLOSED garage, start your car, windows down and take a nap.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

some cool shit

While avoiding studying, I found some really cool websites so here ya go
HAHAHAHA this one is rated R but i loved it

there now get back to work, RICK

Jr. Griffey

In February of 2000, the Cincinnati newspaper headlines Read "The Kid Comes Home." The Cincinnati Reds, my favorite sports team and basically my favorite everything, had signed Ken Griffey Jr. to a 8 year contract. Immediately I fell in love with the man. Not because he was the best player in baseball or because he was the poster boy for Nike, but because he was a Cincinnati Red. As a Reds fan in the era of overplayed players signing marquee names is not an option. We simply cannot compete with teams in New York, LA, and Boston. When a player reaches free agency, one of those teams will offer them a big contract that teams like Cincinnati and Cleveland simply connot afford to do. That is why the Yankees are always in the playoffs, they buy all the good players. They can forgo worrying about scouting, drafting and developing their own men. In 2000, my Cincinnati Reds went out and got the best player in baseball, offered him less money then the Yankees did, and got him. He said he was willing to take less pay in order to play in his Hometown. You could imagine how much this already made me love the man... Jr. was the complete package. he hit for average, power, played better defense then anyone in the league and a had smile worth the millions we were playing him. As the years went by Griffey's injuries started piling up. I stuck by him. I did this because I was his fan and he got hurt playing the game. Nobody can preven getting hurt, its just part of the game. Over his years with the Reds I have purchased his shoes twice to go along with other random Griffey memoribilia that I have. I even own a sticker of his face that is like actual size for your car window. I jsut havent put it up yet, but I will this season. This 2008 baseball season will be the last for Ken Griffey Jr as a Cincinnati Red. I don't know how I am going to cope next year without him and this year is going to be bittersweet. I wish he would've been able to play more because if he had, he would most be chasing the all time homerun record. And it's a tradgedy that he isn't. Instead of Barry Bonds, the people would be watching Griffey Jr take over the greatest record in baseball. And the people would love it...they hate Barry Bonds and his steroid allegations. I will be there on March 31 to watch Ken Griffey Jr's last opening day as a Cincinnati Red. Here's to hoping he just doesn't get hurt in spring training and he will be in the lineup...I wish that was a joke too...


Tomorrow is going to suck. I had to work all day and I am tired now, so tomorrow I am going to get up at 9am, go to the Library and study till my 1:30 and 3:30 finals, then go straight to work, and then polish off some celebratory brews( Run-on sentence I know, but I took English 110 like 6 years ago). Heres the thing that will get me through tomorrow. After Tomorrow, roughly 4:30 pm, I will have the following in front of me. Pretty much 2 weeks of a Spring Break and ONE quarter left in my College career. College has obviously taken me a lot longer to finish then just about any of my friends, regardless of the year I had to take off for the Guard or not. I definately did not do well for a while there and finally got my act together. It's not easy to admit that you fucked up in school or in anything for that matter, but here is what does matter. I learned from my mistakes, straightened up and will have my degree in just 10 more academic weeks! Its going to be extremely special for me because of all the trouble I put myself in. I definately will not miss studying for exams, writing papers, and trying to stay focused/attend class. I owe one to the academic advisors of OSU that put a caddle prod in my ass and forced me to graduate. All of them know me, of that I am sure...I am the Van Wilder of the largest University in the country.. It kinda sucks being a 24 year old college student, but hey.....yunno what doesn't suck? Being a college graduate with 0 loans, having my full tuition 100% paid for and basically no debt. That is not something ANY of my friends can say except for the ones that had mommy and daddy put them through school. And I guess that includes my siblings. Of course, 2 of them have graduate degrees, so they have their own loans...Regardless it's nice knowing that while it took me a while to graduate (5 academic years), it has cost my Dad 0 dollars.. God I love the National Guard....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

gay Girl

I work with a Gay girl at work and she is cute and our age....I've known she was gay for awhile, but did not mention it to her because I was told this in secret.....Tonight she said somethin about a guy loving her and then goes "But it does not matter because I am a big homo!" So I told her its cool I am gay with Drew Thomas and she said that it was different because she really is awkward...Now I could take 2 roads....Exit 1a where I would not speak about her gayness and Exit 1B where I embraced it...As my coworkers have decided to take exit 1A, I am in lane for exit 1B and fully committed to get off here...As they ignore the issue and do not speak of it as they slowly and respectfully take the first exit, I have decided to forgo that and go on for the much more comfortable (for people like myself) exit....So now here I am on exit 1B and when chicks come in, I ask the lesbo if she thinks they are hot and then we discuss what we would do to that girl sexually(very similiar and its so weird).....Exit 1B has worked out well, and it looks like it leads to better pastures....This is one route I am glad that I have chosen

Gas Station Pimp

Today while driving to work I realized that I have enough gas, but not enough for the blizzard, so I decided to pull off and get a little extra because I did not want to run out gas. As I made my way to the front door to pay for my gas I was merging into the front door with other traffic...The other traffic happened to be a cute girl....I thought to myself, "We are going to get there at the same time, maybe I should beat her to the door and hold it open for her." Problem is, I was losing the race...She beat me to the door, and what does she do? She grabs the door and decides to hold it open for me! How unbelievably cool is that, our roles were reversed, the girl held the door open for me. As she opens the door for me, she says "After you." Instinctevely, and realizing how amazing awesome this girl was, I say to her "Wow, can I atleast get your phone number so that I can get to know you better before I marry you????" She comes right back at me and says "well sure, I don't want to marry a stranger, that would make my husband a creep!" End of the story is I got her number...I have never really gotten a number like this before and truth be told I wasn't even thinking about it, I just said what I said without thinking....So now I have this unbelievably cool girls number with an unbelievably cool story only meant for a movie......I have decided to push this charming side of me more often if this doesn't work out, but maybe it will....I will definately call her...How PIMP was that though? I played it perfectly and was so proud of myself....I had to immediately call Rick Nasty and he was proud of me too....On another note, RENT GONE BABY GONE....What an unbelievable movie....I hate movies because most of them seem to just waste 2 hours of my life...Well this one did not....It takes a lot for a movie to impress me, and this one did....What a great fuckin movie, and it was EVERYTHING I want in a movie...perhaps a good first date movie to watch with Speedway girl? haha it's all coming together now for this Gas Station, good day Kevin, I give it a 9/10...which is excellent for a working day in which the credit card machine was down, and we could not fix cool is it to get a customer, jsut like yourself who realizes it's just part of life, we can't help it, and we would change it if we could....we just can't take cash because of a flaw in technology...tehcnology that usually makes life 100x better when you roll with the punches, get cash out of the ATM and ..more to come tomorrow because I do not have to work and I have some funny material/pics to talk about. Thank you, come again

Thursday, March 6, 2008


After class today I went to get a new Reds hat for the upcoming baseball season. I made may way over to the mall thinking for sure that I would find something. They even had a Lids store at the mall..Problem is, I chose to go to Eastland Mall on the eastside of Columbus....Either that, or they do not make hats for white people anymore. All of their hats were the dumbass looking ones with the flat bill. The ones you are supposed to not bend at all and keep the gold new era sticker on it...So I did what ever proud white Republican man would do.....I shot on over to Gander Mountain and got a camoflauged hunting hat..YEEE HAW

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

haha perfect

A Cell phone with a bulit in breath analyzer hahahaha
The phone can also be programmed to block selected numbers in the address book--bosses, moms, exes, pizzerias--if the breath analyzer records a blood-alcohol concentration over 0.08.

This has got to be the worst injury ever

Holy god that hurts to think about

Today's Douchebag Award goes tooooo....

Brad Barnwell, Biggest douche of the day for commenting Anonymously on my blog and then posting his own political blog.... Here's to making Brad feel so bad about himself, that he goes blind!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

one more thing, I am a nerd

haha super Tuesday today is exciting for me...I know I am a nerd, but it just is...It's almost like a super bowl for political nerds like myself....I won't comment too much because I don't like to talk politics with people who will be offended, but it's not secret I am a Republican.....Tonight was pretty cool how Hillary made that comeback and as most Republicans see it, she is a mroe beatable candidate as well as more conservative...We hate the woman, but hey she votes more conservative than barack HUSSEIN and well she actually HAS EXPERIENCE...amazing isn't it...How a guy with no experiences can be good at giving speeches whcih leave little to no idea about what he has in his plans for the future, yet can invigorate young, richer Democrats so much to vote...This country is going to go Democratic in 08 unless McCain can pull something out of his ass...If it's Barack then I am sure he will go the route of his past or lack there of and his lack of allegiance to this country...If it's Hillary it will be morea campaign against Democrats in general and he will harp on how bad of an idea it is to pull out it or not the most RETARDED thing we could do is pull out now...notice how a year ago, you turned on the news and all you saw was soldiers gettin hurt and killed and now you never see it? THats because the war is far more successful these days, the troop resurgence worked and well the liberal media, god bless their hippy hearts, wont put news stories on a Republican war having successes....Sad, but true...Wow, my blogs always end up longer than I originally plan...Live big Jimmy Haynes

long time no see

Sorry I haven't posted anything much lately, I have jsut been working a lot. And I usually work after school so it does not really offer me much time to add anything and I guess I am starting to slow down on material...Reds related, they signed Jerry Hairston Jr and Corey Patterson, neither of which I agree with. I know they are minor league deals and that they most likely won't make the team, although Patterson may end up beingthe centerfielder, but its just that enough is enough....Seriously do we not want Jay Bruce to start in CF...If we are playing for the future, and sadly enough it looks like 09 is when we should be good....then let Bruce learn up at the Majors...I mean he was voted the best minor leaguer last year of thousands up thousands of prospects, so its not like he will be a totall loss out there. And by the time 09 comes around, he will be set in and ready to go, not to mention he will still have a good 08 season...let's see what else is new...Kelly is charging $130 an hour for her lawyer services which is all good and dandy, but come on, she made more than that at her last per hour job. I mean a reach around got her $50 on the streets yunno? I am off work for a couple of days so I will check in more regularly tomorrow and Thursday, I promise...So pumped for the baseball is my favorite sport by far, yet I understand when people think it is to slow and boring, and I jsut humbley think that they just don't understand the sport on the same level as I do...I mean I think that its the fairest sport in the world...An average starting player has 150 some games and around 400 at bats to provide stats...that means he may be hot for a week and then shitty the next, but in the end the law of averages works out...they always say that the back of a baseball card does not lie and I firmly believe that..What that means is, if the Reds were to say sign a guy who hits around .270 every year, hits 20 homeruns and knocks in 50-60 RBIs, and it says so on his statson the back of his baseball card, well chances are hes going to exactly that for the Reds...Of course the steroid era really threw a wrench into that when total ass clowns started becoming formiddable homerun threats, but that is behind us now. ok time to watch a movie and hit the sack!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

With all of these steroid accusations in baseball I want to add my own accusation....this little shit is no doubt on steroids....loook at the differences in Barry Bonds (obvious roid user) and Connor...The kids on the juice...and maybe hittin up the wendy's baconator a little too much....but this is the next Jr. Griffey or JAY BRUCE! haha

Nobody gets that big that quick...This kid is doin the juice.....which sucks because I had him slated as the #1 overall draft pick of 2025.....just needs to work on his hand eye coordination because his accuracy is that of todd coffey and his catching abilities liken wily mo pena

Great Griffey Article

The Cincinnati Reds right fielder enters this season with 593 home runs and 453 reasons to use steroids and human grown hormone. That's how many games Griffey has missed, mostly due to aches and pains, since joining the Reds in 2000. Since recovering from injury is the flimsy alibi for taking steroids and HGH, no one would have benefited more than Griffey, right?

I love this man

Somebody Shit in My BAsement

Here it is, the world premier of the music video! HAHAHHAA


I stopped by BP tonight on my way home, up off Morse Rd. I don't recommend it because the guy working there smelled like he pooped his pants...It was god awful

Saturday, March 1, 2008


while waiting for this music video to upload, I checked out my reds update for their spring training game, and well...In just his 3rd at bat of the Spring, Junior has gone deep...I love that man